Defend Your House from the Risk of Flooding - Do it Yourself: Your Own Bulkhead against Flooding【電子書籍】[ Pasquale Pizzichetti ]

Defend Your House from the Risk of Flooding - Do it Yourself: Your Own Bulkhead against Flooding【電子書籍】[ Pasquale Pizzichetti ] Defend Your House from the Risk of Flooding - Do it Yourself: Your Own Bulkhead against Flooding【電子書籍】[ Pasquale Pizzichetti ] Defend Your House from the Risk of Flooding - Do it Yourself: Your Own Bulkhead against Flooding【電子書籍】[ Pasquale Pizzichetti ]

<p>Some say that the danger posed by water is worse than that of fire. In effect I fear both. However, either if you live in a city or in a provincial town, there is always a risk, higher or lower, to be flooded by water.</p> <p>For those who do not want to suffer passively the events, here is a practical guide to build "Do it yourself" bulkheads against flooding. With some good will and time, you can build a low cost efficient system with simple materials.</p> <p>This guide is intended for everybody, but in particular for people who are not professional in this field.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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